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凡購物滿HKD 300.00,即享免費禮品

Braun Silk-épil 9 Flex 除毛器,帶有靈活的 360° 頭部,乾濕兩用,9-041 3D Braun Silk-épil 9 Flex, 9-041 3D epilator ,wet & dry, shaving and trimmer



隨時擁有長達一個月的絲滑肌膚,在家也很舒服;特別耐用,可使用多年:所有博朗除毛器均在德國製造 世界上第一個完全靈活的除毛器頭,即使在困難的區域,毛髮也不會逃脫;除毛器甚至可以捕獲最短的毛髮(0.5 毫米),但不能捕獲蠟 專為敏感區域設計:透過智慧觸控調整肌膚壓力並在強力模式和溫和模式之間輕鬆切換 更少疼痛,更舒適:濕用和乾用;在浴缸或淋浴時輕輕地脫毛 舒適除毛:精密把手完美貼合手部;按摩滾輪配件有助於減輕疼痛感 根據您自己的規則除毛:博朗除毛器可捕捉蠟無法捕捉的毛髮;它們無需化學物質,無需等待頭髮重新生長 even in difficult areas; the epilator captures even the shortest hairs (0.5 mm) that do not capture wax Adjust the pressure on the skin and easily switch between power and gentle mode with Smart Touch Less pain and more comfort: wet & dry application; gently epilate yourself in the bath or in the shower Braun epilators capture hair that wax cannot capture; they work without chemicals and require no waiting time for hair to regrow

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